|heyy gorgeous , pretty , handsome , playmaker ,peeps and hot stuff | my name is muhammad firdaus bin shahrol kamal | im 15 a.k.a sweet sixteen year old gitu | stay at raob , pahunk | kiddo , tall and stupidoo ?? | really love his cousin : WANY SNPOI , ilysm ! | I wait for you for 4 years butt until now aku tak dpt kau lagy | still , still , still and still waiting for you ! | that all kowt | ngeee

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

perkataan yg paling bangang yg pernah akuu dengaa !!

shut the fuck up !
nie lhaa ayatt paling bangang yg pernah aku dga dri mulut pompuan yg anggap dye too bapak baguss ! kalu kau kate org too chantek dtg dri akal . mne akal kau kate cam nehh . kau kate kau chantekksooo gne lhaa akal , pale otakk kau uhh bangangg !!  second kau kate org chtekk dtg dri atitude . mne atitude kau sebagai pompuan yg chantekk untokk kutok-2 org yg lemahh  haaaa ? itu ke atitude yg kau kate ?? jerk !! lastly kau kate orang chatekk dtg dari budi bahase . atokk kauu !! kalau kau perangai cam nie takdo dahh budi bahaase dlm diri kau uhh . kau seda sikit kau tuu pompuan . kau engat kau chantekk kau ade "akal , atitude , budi bahase  " bolehh jaminn kau masokk syurge ahh ? jangan harap lhaaa wei !!  aku rase nabi ponn tak ngaku kau umatt dyehh lhaa weiii ! aku harap kau tukarrr lhaa ayat bangang kauuu uhh !
                                   k bye . fullstopp !!

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