|heyy gorgeous , pretty , handsome , playmaker ,peeps and hot stuff | my name is muhammad firdaus bin shahrol kamal | im 15 a.k.a sweet sixteen year old gitu | stay at raob , pahunk | kiddo , tall and stupidoo ?? | really love his cousin : WANY SNPOI , ilysm ! | I wait for you for 4 years butt until now aku tak dpt kau lagy | still , still , still and still waiting for you ! | that all kowt | ngeee

Friday, 18 March 2011

wat B.A.T.A mean ??

hey. .
sape pna dga kasot BATA. .
kalau sape yg tk pna dga 2 kesian. .
korang na tao ape maksod B.A.T.A. .
B :: buy
A :: and
T :: throw
A :: away
haha. .
kesian btoi kdai kasot yg brname BATA nie. .
sah tk laku kasot yg dyeowg jual. .
that all 4 tudays kowt. .
see you alls at 9 pm keyh. .

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